2018 Minnesota Herbal Festival

It was another glorious September day for our 13th Herbal Festival.  Thanks to everyone who attended and everyone who taught and volunteered.  We had a great day of being outside in the countryside together, listening, learning, creating,  laughing and eating.  We hope you can join us next year!  Prairie Oaks Institute is has been such a great home for our event– cozy and restorative.  We were thrilled to have Sam Thayer join us this year as a teacher.  He is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge about wild foods with a lively and engaging teaching style.  I know everyone enjoyed his sessions.  Many delicious and healthful things were made and tasted at this year’s festival including Kombucha with our community favorite, LuAnn Raadt,  all kinds of delicious goodies were explored in Betsy Olson’s Cooking with Herbs, Spices and Wild Greens and tinctures and salves were made in Carolyn Smith’s workshops and we explored lots of ways to step up your topical preparations in my workshop.  This year was also heavy on diagnostics with both Lise Wolff and Spencer Blackie teaching hands-on traditional assessment techniques. We loved seeing all the kids and babies this year and I always love seeing what folks bring to sell. We have a very talented community of makers here in Minnesota.   All the photos below were taken by talented herbalist/photographer, Sharri Keller of Terra Sura Photogrpahy.



Two Hands-on Workshops for Cough, Cold and Flu Season

This year I am offering two classes about how to treat yourself and others including babies and children during cough cold and flu season.  They are fun, practical and information packed classes to help you gain confidence in treating common winter health conditions at home with herbs and traditional home remedies. And each class includes making an herbal product for home use.

Register early as these classes fill up every year.

Traditional Remedies for  Colds, Cough, Sore Throats and Sinuses + Elderberry Syrups

September 27th,  6:30-9 pm

girl with syrup
My upcoming workshop covers traditional approaches to treating some types of acute infectious upper respiratory illness. We will cover all types of coughs, the common cold,  sore throat and strep and  sinus congestion and infection. Participants will taste and experience the recommended herbal remedies and become familiar with a wide variety of preparations including tinctures, teas, syrups, chest rubs, compresses and more.

Students will also participate in a demonstration making Elderberry Syrup. Each participant will take home a bottle of Elderberry Syrup for personal use.

This class is suitable for everyone interested in herbs from beginners to more experienced users/students of herbal medicine.

Traditional Remedies for Fever, Flu and Ear Infections + Aromatherapy Chest Rub

November 1st, 6:30-9 pm

aromatherapy chest rub

This workshop will cover traditional approaches to fever, influenza and ear infections.  We will discuss the role that fever plays in the development of a robust immune system and learn about, taste and experience many herbal diaphoretics, the wonderful plants the help move a fever through rather than suppress is. We will also discuss other holistic approaches to fever including sweating and hot bathing. We will also discuss influenza remedies and ear infections, covering lots of holistic and natural strategies for surviving ear infections without resorting to antibiotic including oral and topical remedies.

Students will also participate in a demonstration making Aromatherapy Chest Rub. Each participant will take home a container of Aromatherapy Chest Rub  for personal use.

This class is suitable for everyone interested in herbs from beginners to more experienced users/students of herbal medicine.

Registration Fee: Each workshop is $40.  Register for both at the discounted rate of $70.
Class will be 2-2 /12 hours in length. Handouts will be provided and there are no materials or supplies necessary.

Location: Blue Vervain Botanicals office:  851 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104

Babes in arms are welcome, but please make other arrangement for crawling babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

Make-up date:  in the event of terrible weather or if I am at a birth and have to reschedule a class the make-up date is November 15th.

Traditional Remedies for  Colds, Cough, Sore Throats and Sinuses + Elderberry Syrups



Traditional Remedies for Fever, Flu and Ear Infections + Aromatherapy Chest Rub



Register for both workshops at the discounted rate using the button below.



paypal logo

If you prefer, you can send a check to Erin Piorier, 851Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104.  Be sure to include your name, email and phone number.

Seasonal Allergies: An Herbal Materia Medica

The snow has finally melted and the trees have bloomed and it’s allergy season!  I  field a lot of questions and requests for products and consultation from May through October.  As a part of my initial consultation I ask every client about respiratory health in general and the presence of allergies. I do not have a set protocol for seasonal allergies, rather I have a body of remedies I keep in mind whenever a client discloses allergies, choosing from among these remedies based on other symptoms and the overall constitutional pattern of the client. Try this approach with your clients or friends and family members with allergies.  The herbs described below are extremely safe and free from the side effects of OTC and prescription medications.

In my practice I favor very low doses, sometimes called drop dosing, which I find to be very effective when a careful history is taken and tongue assessment and pulse testing are used. I’ve included more conventional tincture dosages in this article for the benefit of those readers who don’t practice tongue assessment and pulse testing.  As an aside, I encourage all herbal students to learn these valuable techniques–they will transform your practice!


Western Folk Herbalism often emphasizes the liver as the seat of imbalance manifesting as allergies.  This makes sense considering the myriad functions of the liver and its role in detoxification, processing of hormones etc.  Indeed, many alterative herbs can be effective for the treatment of allergies.   Most Alterative herbs often have a positive effect on conditions affecting the immune system and a general tendency to decrease inflammation. I often choose from among the following (or use several in combination):

Nettle (Urtica diocea) While freeze dried Nettle have a the reputation for being most effective for allergies, I find the standard fresh plant  tincture to be perfectly effective. Nettles are specific and reliable for hives. Other indications include other skin conditions like eczema or acne, urinary tract issues, poor kidney function, hypothyroidism, anemia, low energy.  Sometimes the tongue is dry, sometimes it is swollen and pale.  The skin is often pale and soft and sometimes pasty looking.I like to say Nettles are the herbal kick in the pants to an overall sluggish system. If I know the client to be an avid  tea drinker or wild foods enthusiast, I may recommend infusion from dried herb and/or encourage the use of nettle as food when in season.  1-2  8oz cups of tea daily, made to desired strength.  1 ml tincture, 2 x daily, is a good place to start, however, clients could safely consume much more.

Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) I use fresh tincture of Canada goldenrod (the most abundant species in Minnesota), although many species of goldenrod are widely distributed around the country. Goldenrod is a complex and interesting herb with a history of diverse uses including for respiratory symptoms.  I learned from my teacher, Matthew Wood, that goldenrod is useful for allergies, particularly allergies to animal dander.  Other indications include allergy with fatigue, and inflamed eyes. In my practice I find it very helpful for children with eczema, who very often also have seasonal, food and environmental allergies. Other indications:  poor digestion and thick, greasy tongue coating.  If not drop dosing try ½ ml tincture, 2 x daily.

Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale) Dandelion Root is the classic Western alterative.  It has been used for dozens and dozens of symptoms and conditions.  It is very useful for allergies, sinus infections and inflammation. The tongue is usually red  with coat peeled off in places called the mapped tongue or a geographical tongue. I use drop doses to ½ ml tincture 2 x daily but clients could safely take much more.

Plantago (Plantago majus)  Yes, humble little Plantain, famous as a first aid remedy is an alterative, albeit a mild one. Additionally, it’s a great oral remedy for the sinuses and mucus membranes.  Tincture from fresh leaves is soothing and reduces inflammation. It both moistens dry conditions and astringes excess mucus.  It is particularly helpful for dry or inflamed mucus membranes, postnasal drip and painful sinuses.  Plantain both orally and topically help mitigate extreme symptoms from mosquito and other bug bites. Try 1/2 to 1ml tincture, but clients could safely take much more.

Alterative Alternatives: Cooling, Bioflavonoid Rich Herbs

A second strategy I employ when indicated is the use of cooling, bioflavonoid rich herbs which are useful when the client presents with a hot constitution with symptoms like seasonal allergies, inflamed mucus membranes,  other autoimmune conditions, restlessness, nervous energy, anxiety, self reports as hot, has signs of heat in the tongue or appears flushed.  Many rose family plants besides the two listed below would be  appropriate .  Lucky is the client who is provided with these markedly  cooling herbs because taste delicious, often fruity or floral flavored.

Hawthorn (Cratageus spp.)   Both the berries and blossoms of Hawthorn trees are used in herbalism.  Hawthorn can be a great help to inflammed and hot people with seasonal allergies. Other indicaitons include ADHD, hypertension, hemorrhoids and varicose veins, other cardiovascular disease.  Like Nettles and Elderberry, Hawthorn occupies that space between food and medicine.  Folks can take 1 ml tincture 2 x daily.  Or as a  delicious syrup: 1-2 TBS with breakfast.  You can read my full profile of Hawthorn here.

Wild Cherry Bark (Prunus serotina)  Wild Cherry Bark is the best remedy for extreme heat and inflammation in the sinus tract and throat. The folks that need it often have a very red tongue body, that may be pointed or flame shaped.  It’s a great moderator for an overactive immune system. Allergies can be thought of as a the result of an out of whack immune system, one in which the body is dramatically overreacting to harmless substances like pollen or dust.  It is also useful for all manner of other autoimmune conditions where heat is apparent.  It is famous, of course, as an herbal cough suppressant, when there is an irritated and relflexive cough with no mucus to bring up.  5-10 drops, 2x daily. Safety concerns with Wild Cherry Bark make  lower doses anddrop doses more appropriate. Not considered for long term usage at higher doses. You can read this full profile of Wild Cherry Bark here.

Linden (Tilia spp.)  Linden is a wonderful cooling remedy.  It is well suited for allergy sufferers who are hot and have inflammation. Other indications include fever and upper respiratory tract infection, insomnia, mild to moderate hypertension and ADHD.  It is a reliable nervine and help promote more restful sleep Try 1/2 to 1 ml tincture, 2 x daily.

Herbs that defy easy classification

Chamomile: I use a combination tincture of Roman, German and our local naturalized pineapple weed.  The powers of humble chamomile are grossly underestimated. Chamomile is a fantastic and effective anti-histimine  with specific affinity to allergic symptoms of the eyes (itcy, dry, achy irritated).  I use it in tincture but have also found it effective as an infusion . (1 tsp per 8 oz boiling water, covered, steeped and taken as desired).  I use chamomile in lieu of eyebright (which is more famous for eye symptoms. eyebright does not grow in my locale).  1 ml tincture, 2 x daily. Or tea, if desired.

Ragweed (Ambrosia spp.)Both local Ragweed species are used to treat seasonal allergies based on the homeopathic principle of like treats like.  I tincture fresh leaf before flowering.  Homeopathic preparations are available commercially. Caution should be exercised with this remedy.  It should be ascertained that the client has never had a severe allergic or anaphalactic reaction.  Microdoses should be used. When in doubt use the homeopathic potencies.

Other strategies

Raw, local honey, taken by the spoonful or a few grains of local bee pollen may be tried. Some folks find these remedies helpful over the long term. They may alleviate allergies to local pollen, likely working either on homeopathic principles.

Some clients with seasonal allergies may be deficient in essential fatty acids, particularly those that have other symptoms like dry skin, acne, eczema, food allergies, asthma, hyperactivity and attention issues in children and depression in adults.  Such clients may choose to supplement with high quality fish oil or if vegetarian flax oil or some other essential fatty acids supplement that can be purchased at the local co-op. Clients may follow dosage guidelines printed on the label.

Essential Oils in a diffuser, room spray or a topical preparation may be helpful for relieving congestion and inflammation. There are many to consider. Lavender, Eucalyptus and Peppermint are excellent choices that are commonly available and affordable.  If there is a dry , itchy, inflamed feeling in the eyes, sinuses or throat, avoid the warming, pungent aromas  you would use for a winter head cold like Camphor, Thyme or Nutmeg.

Here’s a great article from Herb Geek with the approaches to allergies and hay fever from 5 prominent herbalists. You’ll find some overlap with my favorite Midwestern herbs, but lots of other ideas as well.

Spring Sale at Blue Vervain Botanicals


flyer 2


Dear readers,

Buy your sweet mother something for Mother’s Day or buy yourself a fragrant little something.  Soap is a gift that everyone can appreciate.  It smells good, it looks good, it feels good and it gets stuff clean!

I have a variety of handmade items to offer you this season and a few different ways to buy them.

You can visit me at my Spring Boutique Sale.  You can explore all the scents and textures in person, ask any questions and get beautiful gift packaging.

Saturday, April 23rd

10 am- 1pm.

851 Dayton Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 551041.

Coffee, tea, mimosas and some morning goodies to nibble on will be available and complimentary samples while supplies last.

Can’t make it to the sale and want your items shipped to you?

Order from etsy and I will ship it to you. (Only a few items are listed on etsy at the moment. I will be adding listings for all the items described below over the next few days).

Can’t make it to the sale and you want to pick up your items  in Saint Paul?

Email me at herbalisterin@outlook.com.  Let me know what you would like and when you would like to pick it up and we can arrange for pick up and payment by cash, check or credit card.

Luxurious, Natural Soap–All Varieties, $4/bar

Spearmint French Green Clay–This is one of the first soaps I ever made and I still make it every year.  This soap features the simple, nostalgic scent of pure Spearmint essential oil in a pretty bar with a pink clay meringue like top, a cocoa powder line and a bottom layer of French green clay. Classic, simple, lovely.

Ice, Ice, Baby— This soap is another one of my classic soaps that I return to again and again. It featuresa  refreshing and icy blend of essential oils of Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Tea Tree layered with Australian blue clay and studded with poppy seeds. This is a strongly anti-microbial and exfoliating soap and a nice unisex scent.

Middle Earth– This soap is the first soap to sell out at last year’s Sogn Valley Craft Fair and the Holiday Boutique.  This soap will take you to the magic forest, where the air smells earthy and rich and the moss beneath your feet is soft and spongy.  Be careful you don’t  fall asleep beneath the tree—the fae folk might whisk you away into the underworld. This bar is  colored shades of  green, brown and plum with cocoa powder, green clay and mica in an elaborate, dreamy drop swirl. There’s a pinch of coffee. In the mix. The top is adorned with a bit of real moss and Juniper berries wildcrafted by me. It’s scented with 100% pure essential oils of Juniper, Fir Needle, Patchouli, Cedarwood, Sweet Orange and Clove.

Rosemary Mint — I resisted making Rosemary Mint soap for a long time. EVERYBODY makes Rosemary Mint Soap. EVERYBODY wants to smell like Aveda. Then one days I was playing with a new recipe and needed something  simple to scent it with and I used Rosemary and Peppermint essential oils. Well, sometimes there is a reason that something is so popular and the reason is that it is awesome. It’s like these two oils were born to be together.  I kept the design simple, creamy, natural white with meringue like peaks and two steel blue mica lines.  Love this soap!  Traditional with mango butter.

Sazerac—This stunning bar will make a real impression in your soap dish!  It takes some olfactory chops to appreciate the intense scent of Anise. I have made this soap just for you, Anise lovers of the world. Organic Star Anise essential oil is blended with Lavender essential oil, which adds a clean, herbaceous floral note.  White and black handmade soap is strikingly swirled together  using the hanger swirl technique and the top is dusted with organic Rose petals.

Rainbow Heart—   Soap doesn’t get any sweeter.  Rainbow layers of natural creamy white, green, blue, violet and yellow with an embedded heart colored with French rose clay. This soap is scented with 100% pure essential oils of Lavender and Lemon. This scent combination is so fresh and feminine and light.

The Rainbow Collection

rainbow collection 1.JPG

Luxurious handmade traditional soap with Shea Butter and enhanced and colored the beautiful soft colors of nature from tea, herbs, clay, fruit juice and puree and other truly natural ingredients. Scented with 100% pure essential oils.  The Rainbow Collection is sold as a collection.  Bars are not available individually.  Packaged for gift giving. $20

Snow White—with added creamy coconut milk and scented with the sweet, innocent and lovely blend of essential oils of Lavender, Palmarosa and Cedarwood.

Spins Straw into Gold—with added skin-loving organic carrot juice and scented with everything citrus:  litsea lemon, orange, lime, lemongrass, tangerine and pink grapefruit essential oils.

 A Pumpkin Coach to Take to the Ball—A rich orange from paprika infused oils and a water infusion of paprika and just a pinch of powdered paprika. Scented with Lavender, Clove, Peppermint, Sweet Orange and Cedarwood

Baba Yaga—colored with antioxidant rich organic coffee and cocoa powder and a rich, earthy blend of essential oils of Fir Neeedle, Patchouli, Sweet Orange, Clove, Cedarwood and Juniper Berry.

 Rose Red—colored a deep maroon with an oil infusion of alkanet root, and a water infusion of organic rose petals, organic hibiscus and organic rosehips and purifying pink kaolin clay and scented with a sexy, warm, feminine scent of Sandalwood, Benzoin and Sweet Orange.  This is a rare sandalwood soap, made with real sandalwood essential oil for those of you that love sandalwood.

Bath, Beauty and Skin Care

Whipped Mango White Chocolate Body Butter— This body butter is absolutely divine.  It is so creamy and moisturizing.  Mango Butter and Organic cocoa butter are whipped with glycerin, and expeller pressed organic Rosehip Seed Oil. The natural chocolate scent of unrefined Cocoa Butter smells so yummy.   My body butter is an a water-free formulation. That means no preservatives, no spoilage, no separation. This is an all natural product with a shelf life that rivals that of any mass produced body care product.   2 ounce frosted glass container

Three scents available: Lavender White Chocolate ($9), Bitter Almond White Chocolate($9), Rose Cardamom Clementine ($10)

Bath Bombs— $4  I made these  extra large bath bombs for the Sogn Valley Craft Fair this October and they were a hit. My bath bombs are fizzy and fragrant but also more moisturizing and conditioning than your typical bath bomb. They include organic mango butter, organic cocoa butter and grapeseed oil, in addition to the natural fizzy alchemy created by baking soda, citric acid, corn starch and borax.  They are lightly colored and cute, topped  with herbs, petals or cupcake sprinkles. A variety of scents and colors will be available.

Massage Bar/ Solid Lotion Bar —$8.50 This chunky massage bars fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. It is loaded with skin-loving locally sourced beeswax, organic cocoa butter, shea butter and sweet almond oil. It has an appealing 100% pure essential oil scent of Patchouli, Eucalyptus and Sweet Orange. The handy tin will keep your bar clean and free of lint and debris.  You can use a massage bar to give your loved one a massage; they give your hands a nice comfortable slide across the skin without being as greasy as most massage oils. Or use it on yourself in lieu of lotion. They are great for dry skin.

Whipped Shea Butter Sugar Scrub—$7.50  This wonderful scrub is my favorite scrub to date.  It’s exfoliating but moisturizing and has a wonderful fluffy texture!  Several scents  are available: Bitter Almond or Lavender/Lemon and Rosemary Mint. (4 ounce clear plastic tub with black lid)

Rose Lipped Maiden—$6 This is not one of those hard as rocks, utilitarian lip balms here.  This tin of lip balm combines the healing of a lip balm with a little bit of that lip gloss spirit.  It contains  natural, locally sourced beeswax and alkanet infused organic sunflower oil, a little shimmery mica, super moisturizing castor oil, anti-aging expeller pressed virgin rosehip seed oil, vitamin E  and a lovely blend peppermint and tangerine essential oils.   (1 oz)

First Aid and Medicinal

Aromatherapy Chest Rub— $5.00 This 100% natural chest rub is wonderful, fragrant, petroleum free alternative to commercially available vapor rubs. It is made with pure essential oils of Thyme, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Cedarwood  and Nutmeg in a base of high quality vegetable oils and beeswax.  Aromatherapy Chest Rub comes in a pretty 1 ounce  cobalt blue container. Repeat customers: note that this is one ounce rather than the 2 ounce size I normally sell with the price adjusted accordingly.  I ordered the wrong size jars—whoops!

Uses: Chest rubs are a traditional remedy for respiratory conditions. The powerful oils bring circulation to the area promoting healing and expectoration. The oils are anti-microbial. They are both absorbed by the skin and inhaled; the aroma promotes decongestion.

Herbal Green Salve—.$6.50  This is the salve for all your first-aid needs! Contains wildcrafted or organically grown infused herbal oils, including  Chickweed, Plantain, Lemon Balm, Saint John’s Wort, Yellow Dock and Thuja.  It is appropriate for general wound healing, anti-microbial infection fighting power, cooling burns and inflammations, insect and spider bites, herpes, shingles and cold sores.  Some clients use it on eczema, psoriasis and fungal infections. Green Salve come in a 1 oz. tin container with a hand-stamped botanical label.
Also contains beeswax and Tea Tree  and Rosemary Essential Oils.

Blossom Baby Balm–$8

It’s back and reformulated. This is a totally all-natural diaper cream It’s creamy and shimmers and smells divine. It’s designed as a diaper rash cream but it is nicely absorbed by the skin and can be used on any parts of the body or on people of any ages.Makes a great shower gift for the mom-to-be in your life. Blossom Baby Balm starts with a cold infusion of organic Rose Blossoms, Lavender and Calendula Blossoms in Organic Sunflower Oil. It is rich and nourishing.  Blossom Baby Balm includes zinc oxide for added skin-protective properties and pink kaolin clay, natural, local beeswax and a light and lovely scent from 100% pure essential oils.**No preservatives, no petroleum jelly or petro by products, no parabens or propylene glycol, no synthetic fragrance

2 oz glass jar with silver lid and hand-stamped label.

More for Mom and Baby

Geneabirth Pregnancy Tea, Midwives Postpartum Healing Sitz Bath, Mother’s Milk Tea will be available as well as gift packages for new moms.




















Blue Vervain Botanicals Open House

Come and celebrate with me at my new office!

Sunday, March 16th

11:00-4 pm

851 Dayton Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota  55104

main space two

I live downstairs. I work upstairs. I’ve been dreaming of occupying this space for my work for years and it’s finally a reality. I see my clients here for herbal consultations, teach classes and workshops and make all my Blue Vervain Botanical goodies in the kitchen. My midwifery partner, Sarah Biermeier and I see our birth families here for prenatal and postpartum appointments and host special events in this space.

botanicals for soap

I would love to show you around.

We will be serving wine and lots of non-alcoholic teas and sparkling juices. Appetizers and desserts will be served.

Children are welcome. We’ll have some special surprises and a fun activity for our little friends.

There will be door prizes featuring our custom blended pregnancy tea, healing postpartum sitz bath and mother’s milk tea, soap and other natural bath and body products and first aid items.

We really look forward to seeing you all there!





July Workshops: Natural Sunscreen and Herbalist’s Garden Walk

Summer is flying by. I have been busy making lots of tinctures. It happens so often that I find myself out of a useful remedy in late Winter. I’m trying to take every opportunity to get out there among the plants this summer and stay on top of my medicine making. Some plants offer themselves up for harvest for weeks and weeks and other plants.. .you blink your eyes and you miss your chance. Right now I have my eye on the little green elderberries, patiently waiting for them to swell and ripen and the Black Walnuts are getting close. Yarrow is in peak bloom. This is the perfect time to harvest blossoms for drying, tinctures, oils and sunscreen.

Yes, sunscreen. Yarrow is great natural ally in our journey to protect ourselves from the more harmful aspects of being outside in the sun.

I’m offering a short workshop on natural sunscreen making. In this class we will go over some of the latest information on conventional commercial sunscreen, what works, how much does it protect you and what are the risks of using commercial sunscreen? Then we will turn our attention to some of the alternatives from nature including butters and oils with spf, traditional and safe barriers like zinc and titanium oxide (not the micro-ionized stuff!) and botanicals like Yarrow, Green Tea and others.

As a group we will make a rich, delightful natural sunscreen and participants will take home a generous jar for personal use. You’ll learn the recipe and the technique so you can continue making your own sunscreen in the future.

Wednesday, July 18th
6-8:30 pm

To register email me at epiorier@mninter.net. Include your name, phone number and email address.

Payment: you can pay online using paypal.

Paypal id: epiorier@mninter.net

Or send a check to Erin Piorier, 851 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul MN 55104.

Confirmation of registration will be emailed to you along with directions.


This year I’m offering an herb walk in my own garden. We will identify many, many l plants including European garden herbs, native wildflowers and of course, the weeds that are used for medicine. We will discuss folklore, common uses in herbal medicine, edibility, toxicity and folklore.

Some of the plants you’ll encounter:
Wood Betony
Black Cohosh
Cramp Bark
Solomon’s Seal
Lemon Balm
Wild Ginger
Lady’s Mantle

And of course, all of our local useful weedy friends: Mullein, Motherwort, Plantain, Chickweed, Burdock, Prickly Lettuce and more.

To register email me at epiorier@mninter.net. Include your name, phone number and email address.

Payment: you can pay online using paypal.

Paypal id: epiorier@mninter.net

or send a check to Erin Piorier, 851 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul MN 55104.

Confirmation of registration will be emailed to you along with directions.
Monday, July 23rd
6-8 pm.

Welcome to Minnesota Herbalist

This site is dedicated to the promotion of Traditional Western Herbalism a  time-honored and effective healing practice.  This site is also the homepage for Erin Piorier, an herbalist offering classes and herbal consultations as well as holistic birth services in the greater Twin Cities area.


The articles and resources on this website and the classes and services offered aim to serve you as you find your way to health care that is safe, gentle and effective and foster greater connection with your own body, community and the earth.


Here you will find the most up-to-date information about classes and workshops, as well as articles and information about new products.  Please check back often!